Burnout Recovery
The podcast for slightly dented medics, execs and professionals seeking massive success, strong leadership and fulfilment. Weekly tips and techniques for high-achieving Type A professionals to beat burnout and restore outstanding leadership, performance and ease at work. Podcast hosted by Master Burnout Coach Dex Randall.
- Burnout Recovery Coaching https://dexrandall.com
- Burnout Recovery eCourse https://bit.ly/burnoutecourse
- Guest Podcast Appearances https://bit.ly/dex-guest-appearances
184 episodes
Ep#159 Powertool#4 Tame Addiction
If you find your own emotions disturbing, and you urgently distract yourself to escape them, this episode is for you. Emotional avoidance is at the root of every addictive process - we try to escape one feeling, to grasp at another. It's normal...
Season 3
Episode 159
Ep#158 Powertool#3 Retrain Your Inner Critic
How's your inner critic? Are you feeling a bit bashed around by it?Let's start to turn it down, because that will help restore your confidence and spirits, and it's entirely within your control to do that.Burnout recovery is all abo...
Season 3
Episode 158
Ep#157 Powertool#2 Boost Your Mood
Powertool #2 will help you begin the rebuild of your energy, hope and wellbeing. You have much more power to do this than you realise, and it's free! You don't need to wait for someone else to fix your burnout!Right now, is there a mean ...
Season 3
Episode 157
Ep#156 Powertool#1 Stop Pain and Anxiety
Powertool #1 is all about pain-reduction. And in deepest burnout, one of the quickest ways to do that is to reduce anxiety - that insidious thief of energy and morale.Listen in for the fastest skills you can use to reduce the spin cycle ...
Season 3
Episode 156
Ep#155 10 Burnout Recovery Powertools
This week launches series 3 of the podcast, starting with 10 episodes with all the wisdom from 7 years of burnout coaching, distilled into the 10 vital powertools YOU need to master recovery from burnout.Follow each weekly episode...
Season 3
Episode 155
Ep#154 Feeling Diminished
Has someone spoken to you lately in a way that made you feel 'less than'?And - even though what they said wasn't true - you started to believe them?Would you like to be done with the shame, humiliation and embarrassment, and back you...
Season 2
Episode 154
Ep#153 When Everything Goes Wrong
How do you navigate and survive life's crises during times of extreme burnout?Learn 20 survival skills to restore calm from the paralyzing effects of emotional exhaustion and overwhelm.In 'When Things Fall Apart,' Pema Chodron e...
Season 2
Episode 153
Ep#152 Amy Fox on Work Culture
Had enough of EAPs, management fails and toxic culture?You are not alone, my friend! This is a hot button topic for most of my clients in burnout!Meet Amy Fox, who runs a management consultancy, and helps leaders create a culture th...
Season 2
Episode 152
Ep#151 The Art of Recharging: Managing Anxiety and Time
Learn specific techniques to recharge your energy and beat that overwhelming feeling of burnout. This isn't a luxury - it's vital to your normal functioning.We'll also explore the vicious cycle of anxiety, and some cool breathing exerci...
Season 2
Episode 151
Ep#150 Dr Jonathan Fisher, cardiologist
Dr. Jonathan Fisher, a cardiologist from Charlotte and author of "Just One Heart", co-host of the Ending Clinician Burnout Global Summit, focuses on healing the heart in the broadest sense, encompassing both the physical and emotional aspects o...
Season 2
Episode 150
Ep#149 How to Find Peace
It may surprise you to learn that peace is our fundamental natural state. Chronic stress is not!In burnout, peace is more likely to be painfully elusive. So listen here to discover how to return your shattered mind to a restful an...
Season 2
Episode 149
Ep#148 Your body, your biggest ally
In these challenging and toxic times, our bodies have much innate wisdom to help us heal and thrive. If you haven't been listening and attending to your body's messages, here's how.It's the perfect accompaniment to burnout recovery coac...
Season 2
Episode 148
Ep#147 - How Judging Others Hurts YOU
In the depths of our exhaustion in burnout, we often turn our frustration on ourselves, and on others. Unfortunately, this escalates OUR suffering.Learn a better way: giving yourself the gift of releasing judgment. This will free up a l...
Season 2
Episode 147
Ep#146 Self-Protection in Difficult Times
Times are tough in this world of ours. The environment has challenges our ancestors did not have to face. There are many apparent global threats to our wellbeing.Yet recently, voices of research on the human health crisis have become mo...
Season 2
Episode 146
Ep#145 - Your Subconscious Saviours
Humans have many inner mechanisms that try to save our butts when we're going off track. They can attract our attention in painful ways, though, and that's inconvenient, to say the least.But if you know how to decode their messages - imp...
Season 2
Episode 145
Ep#144 - Bathing in Compassion
Compassion is a gift of gentle care that we can offer to ourselves in burnout. When we learn to do this - offer ourselves support in our suffering - it revives our spirits. Listen for the path to compassion, even when you feel down...
Season 2
Episode 144
Ep#143 Dropping the Need to be Right
One of burnout's devastating effects is to diminish our confidence in ourselves, through constant self-criticism and self-diminishment.When we experience this low self-esteem, we sense a loss of control and our need to be right increase...
Season 2
Episode 143
Ep#142 - How to Avoid Burnout Paralysis
There's something about burnout that grinds us down to a stump, until we have lost energy and hope, and almost stop trying to fix anything. Motivation hits an all-time low. We're missing deadlines right and left.Unfortunately, burnout th...
Season 2
Episode 142
Ep#141 - How to Prevent Team Burnout
Team leaders: you CAN help prevent your team burning out.Despite years of pioneering work into psychological safety at work, up to 67% of Australian workers felt burnt out in a three month period in 2024. How can this be?If you ...
Season 2
Episode 141
Ep#140 How to Avoid Disappointment
If you're flat out disappointed most of the time in burnout, the good news is that this is avoidable. It's within your control to change your experience, because it's your expectations that sow the seeds of disappointm...
Season 2
Episode 140
Ep#139 How to Believe in Yourself
Becoming your strongest ally is a choice.Many people have not been taught the kind of self-belief that will protect them from burnout for life. Perhaps that's why you're here?I can teach you. Self-belief is a CHOICE, and we can L...
Season 2
Episode 139
Ep#138 How to Get Your Mojo Back
Burnout tells us it cannot be redeemed, that our golden days (if we had them!) are over!So here's how to rekindle the flame of your essential goodness post-burnout: What are the conditions to come back full force, better and st...
Season 2
Episode 138
Ep#137 Alchemy - Transforming burnout to joy
The alchemy of transforming burnout into joy takes a little getting used to. But I cannot otherwise explain the transformation that clients go through, when they come in riddled with negativity, feeling dragged down and lifeless and comin...
Season 2
Episode 137