Burnout Recovery
The podcast for slightly dented medics, execs and professionals seeking massive success, strong leadership and fulfilment. Weekly tips and techniques for high-achieving Type A professionals to beat burnout and restore outstanding leadership, performance and ease at work. Podcast hosted by Master Burnout Coach Dex Randall.
- Burnout Recovery Coaching https://dexrandall.com
- Burnout Recovery eCourse https://bit.ly/burnoutecourse
- Guest Podcast Appearances https://bit.ly/dex-guest-appearances
Burnout Recovery
Ep#155 10 Burnout Recovery Powertools
This week launches series 3 of the podcast, starting with 10 episodes with all the wisdom from 7 years of burnout coaching, distilled into the 10 vital powertools YOU need to master recovery from burnout.
Follow each weekly episode and practice the techniques you learn, watching your daily stress reduce as your skills build.
Today's episode introduces the series and explains what you will achieve with these powertools and why they work.
Each episode is bundled with free resources for you, such as worksheets, complementary podcast topics, and the exercises to practice.
Show Notes:
Join 10 Burnout Recovery Powertools FREE at https://go.dexrandall.com/power
and complete the Burnout Assessment Tool to begin.
----------------------------------- Burnout Resources:
Get 1-on-1 burnout recovery coaching at https:/mini.dexrandall.com
Burnout Recovery eCourse: https://go.dexrandall.com/beatburnout
For even more TIPS see
FACEBOOK: @coachdexrandall
INSTAGRAM: @coachdexrandall
LINKEDIN: @coachdexrandall
TWITTER: @coachdexrandall
or join the FACEBOOK group for burnout coaches only
See https://linktr.ee/coachdexrandall for all links
[00:00:00] Hi everyone, my name's Dex Randall, and this is the Burnout to Leadership podcast, where I teach professional men to recover from burnout and get back to passion and reward at work.
[00:00:22] Hello my friends this is Dex and today I am starting series three of the podcast where I'm going to focus on teaching the core skills that I teach my elite clients to guide them gently through their burnout recovery journey and on to greater things and I wanted to share this with you. And if you're new, this is going to kickstart your burnout recovery toolkit with all the really important concepts you need so you can understand and counteract what got you into burnout in the first place.
[00:00:55] And if you're here and you're not quite sure whether you're in burnout, I'm going to include in the show notes a burnout assessment so you can self assess
[00:01:04] the stage of burnout that you're in or the level of burnout that you're experiencing. And I will also put in the show notes a bunch of other podcast episodes that you can look up, but episode 90, nine zero is the seven deadly sins of burnout.
[00:01:17] And that will also help you identify whether you yourself are in burnout. So what I have in my elite coaching program is a very standard template of skills that I teach to my clients, which are the foundation for burnout recovery, and which I have found works for any professional in any industry.
[00:01:39] And I teach a set of skills around that, and I teach them for a number of reasons. And the first one, of course, is to reduce suffering in which they're typically engulfed in long term. And the second reason is to help them build confidence, self esteem, self assurance, self belief. And really a personal sense of value, contribution, and belonging.
[00:02:06] Reason number three is, I want to help them become a stronger advocate of themselves, their skills, their own needs, their emotional well being, and the genius, the latent genius sometimes, that is their true self. The skills they will put on this world to contribute. And the power of their hearts to connect, do good, and feel reward.
[00:02:33] Reason number four, so they can practice self coaching. And the reason I teach them self coaching is so they can switch their emotional state at will. For those of you who don't have that skill, I bet you wish you did. You're going to learn it in a future episode. And really self coaching, I think, encompasses Emotional intelligence, EQ, psychological safety, and also recognizing and accepting one's own emotions and those of other people in a way that is calm, compassionate, and bonding, not alienating and conflict-producing.
[00:03:11] And the fifth reason is To reduce any unhelpful coping strategies that they may have in their lives that are really not productive for them.
[00:03:23] A. K. A. quite often addictive behaviors that hold them back from greatness, from ease, from success and enjoyment. Reason number six because I really want to help them restore high quality, enjoyable human relationships.
[00:03:39] Ain't that a thing? So I want to help them reduce conflict, hurt, risk, reactivity, and also disconnection, and the loneliness and lack of belonging that comes from that. And I want to help them promote anything that really produces harmony, deep joy, and the reward of a wholesome, high quality connection.
[00:04:02] And reason number seven, I really want to help them put their own wellbeing first. That might sound a bit weird to you.
[00:04:10] But really, this isn't a selfish act. In fact, looking after your own wellbeing is actually a requirement to lift quality of life. So the more wellbeing I can help my clients to have, the more energy and enthusiasm they'll have.
[00:04:28] And the more spontaneously they'll reach out and support other people. When they fill their own cup, it naturally overflows onto those around them. You may have heard me say this before, cause I think it's a super important concept. And when I discovered it, I was a bit taken aback, but actually secretly a bit pleased as well.
[00:04:47] So reason number eight, here's the kicker. Retrain the inner critic. I want to help my clients be kinder to themselves because whipping themselves all day isn't working and can never work. Reason number nine, I want to help them become masters of time and energy, their own personal resources. Allowing them to transcend work constraints, dissatisfaction, and personal doubts about their own performance.
[00:05:15] And this really, when they arrive at this, it refreshes their optimism, enthusiasm, and passion. And reason number 10 I want to help them stimulate creativity, top performance, engagement, leadership, problem solving, success and healthy ambition. Really getting back the mojo that they've lost to burnout.
[00:05:40] So that's the top 10 skill areas that I teach that empower my clients to restore balance and happiness in their lives, at work and at home. And of course, I do have a very large number of tools at my disposal, but the 10 areas that I've mentioned are really the critical core that, once learned, transform the personality to the benefit of all.
[00:06:07] They're skills that can be used for life to protect against burnout, stress, anxiety, and frustration, and to create a reliably better daily experience. I base all my work on my belief that people are basically good on the inside, but haven't necessarily learned the precise life skills needed to remain emotionally solvent and to be able to deploy their goodness in the outside world,
[00:06:37] which they're experiencing as rather bruising and deflating. People
[00:06:42] in Burnout of course do share many traits that we can call the Type A behaviours, that ultimately erode their wellbeing. And Burnout really, I think, is an expression of the terminus of that. Whether it's come on suddenly or cumulatively.
[00:07:00] Professional burnout is a loss of belief in oneself as a high achiever and a good human who can manage life's ups and downs with ease. It's a loss of invincibility, which is inconvenient because we built our whole lives around being able to solve any problem and succeed where others fail. Being
[00:07:22] a high achiever is really a big part of our self image that's very painful to have punctured.
[00:07:28] Its loss is, to say the least, keenly felt. We have no plan B. We don't even want to consider a plan B. So when we sense this invincibility kind of crumbling, shame is what generally rears its ugly head. When other people so much as look sideways at us, we feel attacked, yes, but also secretly a little bit culpable, vulnerable and underpowered.
[00:08:00] We can't fix the burnout and that scares us. So really that's why the skill sets I've just outlined are gold. They produce a personal transformation of great power. Power you can't imagine if you are in burnout right now. They reintroduce a burned out professional to all that's good in them, that in the relentless pursuit of success, they had overlooked and forgotten about, as others in the battle for success tramped on them, their better nature, their skills, their successes, and somehow in the end reduced them to ashes.
[00:08:35] As life reflects back to them, via other people usually, that they aren't all that. That comes a bit hard. But here's the news. If that sounds a little bit like your experience, you are all that. Always have been. But many of the best parts of you got buried or abandoned in the race for professional and life success.
[00:08:59] And importantly, no one championed you. You got lost in the burden of too many hours, too many jobs, too many people, too many responsibilities. Your previous genius streak sank under an avalanche of demands and a vague sense that you weren't quite winning as you surely should be. Confusion, anxiety, bitterness, resentment,
[00:09:24] and exhaustion probably crept in. Unhelpful coping strategies grew up that, in any case, didn't stem the relentless tide of work or opinion. A pervasive sense of inadequacy, dread and despair took over, shut down your mojo. Now you're running on empty. The pilot light might still be on, somewhere back there,
[00:09:48] but you've almost stopped caring. Relationships at home have probably soured too, and there's just no escape. That's a broadly typical picture of burnout. Maybe you recognize some elements of that in your life experience. But here's the good news. No matter how long you've been burned out, it's not the real you.
[00:10:10] And it's also not a fail, because burnout is the hallmark of extremely high achieving powerful contributors placed under too much stress. The real you is still waiting to be revived, but you do need this transformation to get there. And it's a personal transformation about who you are and how you experience
[00:10:35] work and the rest of your world. And I get it many of you, knowing that I'm a burnout coach, if you have never tried coaching and you're a little bit leery of it. I do understand that. Most of us were at the beginning, but since you're here on the podcast, why not listen into series three, where I'm going to teach you these 10 essential skill sets to burnout recovery.
[00:11:00] You may well be able to practice them yourself straight off the bat, which will be wonderful. I know you have the intelligence and the discipline and you can motivate yourself to start, even though you're maybe running a little short of dopamine, right?
[00:11:17] So use your professional attributes to at least give each of the 10 skill sets a shot.
[00:11:24] And if you feel skeptical, since these skills are proven to be effective, why don't you just suspend disbelief for a few minutes and try anyway? Because if you stick to what you know now, even when it's not working, how's that going to end for you? If you need more help, by all means, come and talk to me about coaching and let's fast track your recovery.
[00:11:46] I guarantee burnout recovery in 11 weeks with the burnout recovery coaching program that I teach. It really is profound transformation in who you are being. You will transform your daily experience of life, work, and people, and almost certainly go on to expand your career. And of course, career development is the second phase of work that I offer my clients to fast track their career once they're out of burnout
[00:12:18] and have their mojo back. If you don't know who this coaching is for, it is for professionals in burnout.
[00:12:26] If
[00:12:26] you recognize Type A traits in yourself, such as high achiever, hard worker, problem solver, goal oriented, organized, competitive, status driven, ambitious, demanding, perfectionist, proactive, impatient, fast moving.
[00:12:47] If you recognize a whole bunch of those, then you probably chose a Type A career. And your burnout may have been a long time in the making. I work with clients from any industry if they fit this Type A burnout profile, which I would describe as classic professional burnout. So here are just a few of the professions I work with.
[00:13:09] Executives, leaders, physicians, lawyers, accountants, academics, financiers, bankers, big four consultants sales, educators, real estate, IT, business owners, and so on.
[00:13:24] So
[00:13:24] if you would like to take the quick route to Burnout Recovery, where I personally guide you to success. Come and talk to me. Visit DexRandall.
[00:13:35] com to get started.
[00:13:37] That's
[00:13:38] what I have for you today. Keep your eyes out for the podcast series three episodes that are coming up. I am going to teach you the vital 10 skills you need to start feeling better. If you've enjoyed today's show, I'd love you to share it with your mates, because this is how we reach out to help more people who suffer in burnout.
[00:13:58] Please also, I'd love you to rate and review the podcast. Again, it helps reach more people. Thank you for listening. Talk to you next week when we get into the practical skills that are going to save your bacon.